There is no State law that requires a minimum number of hours in which an employer must provide an employee between their daily 8 hour work shifts You may contact the nearest office of the US Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division, for information on federal laws The Hawaii office can be reached at (808) That's a 12hour shift every day, Monday through Friday Gallup All of that extra work poses a serious risk to your health Working long hours, even at a desk, can have serious repercussions for This The majority of the working world in the United States works 5 8 hr shifts per week If you are full time working 8 hr shifts as a staff nurse, you will need to work 5 days/week 3 12s depends on where you work and the needs of the unit 0 Likes MunoRN, RN
11 10 70 4 Days In A Row Perhaps Another One Then Cooling Off News10 Abc